Category: Registered Agent

Choosing Your Company Name – Why It DOES Matter

Choosing Your Company Name - Why It DOES Matter
March 11, 2020
You've figured out what product or service your startup will provide. You’ve determined where your funding will come from.  You know how many employees you'll need to hire to get your business off the ground. All you need now is to choose a name for your company. Choosing Your Company Name - Why It DOES MatterRead More

Change Your Registered Agent to CorpCo – SAVE Money – Be Happy

Change Your Registered Agent to CorpCo - SAVE Money - Be Happy
February 25, 2020
Change Your Registered Agent to CorpCo - SAVE Money - Be Happy! If CorpCo is not currently your Registered Agent you are probably a little sad.  We get it.  Many of our clients who came from other providers have been there too.  We know that these clients we represent are really happy after making the change.  They tell us that ... often ...  and they refer their friends to... Read More

Choosing the Type of Entity to Form Your Business

Business Owner Ordering LLC (Limited Liability Company) Formation online with tablet
February 24, 2020
 Choosing the Type of Entity to Form Your Business  Sole Proprietor - Partnership - Inc. - LLC - It can be confusing! Starting a business involves making a number of tough decisions.  What to name your company, where to operate, who to hire, what paperwork to file, and how to score investors, are just a few.  The one that is likely most important and not on this list, is... Read More

Incorporation Video Series – Start Here

Incorporation Video Series - Start Here
February 13, 2020
Incorporation Video Series - Start Here -  Incorporating can be of great benefit to your business but it can also be a little scary.  At CorpCo we pride ourselves on our super friendly and knowledgeable staff.  While we cannot provide legal advice we can share options and procedures and help you feel more comfortable during the process of deciding where and how to incorpora... Read More

Why you need a registered agent and how to pick the best one for your business.

January 27, 2020
ThAn important aspect of incorporation that you should be aware of is the registered agent. If you're a first-timer, you may be wondering what a registered agent is and what they do.
Here are the three main reasons why you need a registered agent:
They represent you. Most states require that you have a registered agent in the state where you form and register... Read More

Not Sure Where to Start? Start Here – INC 101

Diagram of the business start-up process
January 22, 2020
Are you thinking about forming a corporation or LLC?  Not sure where to start? Start with this checklist:
Check business name availability:
Choose a first and second choice of name for your business, preferably one that clearly defines its function while allowing your organization to stand out from the competition. Make sure you Read More

CorpCo Cares – Let Us Know How We Are Doing!

May 09, 2016
CorpCo is committed to providing the finest customer service to our clients. We value and appreciate everyone who uses our services and pride ourselves on the positive feedback we consistently receive from those who allow us to be of service to them. The best compliment we can receive is a referral from a client and we are grateful for every one. Your success is our success and we ar... Read More

Change Your Registered Agent to CorpCo and SAVE MONEY

June 29, 2015
CorpCo offers competitive pricing and a special Change of Agent Program. Do you or your clients have multiple entities with several different agents? Looking to consolidate but can’t justify the expense? Maybe you or your clients are simply dissatisfied with the current service you receive or the annual costs associated with that agent? CorpCo is the answer! Not only ... Read More

Choosing a registered agent

April 14, 2015
If you're ready to incorporate your company somewhere other than your home state, you will need to choose a registered agent. Registered agent services are extremely beneficial for companies that operate in multiple locations across the country. For a small fee, the service will allow you to maintain an address without having a r... Read More

Do you have to register your business in multiple states?

March 23, 2015
Most business owners start their business where it is most convenient, and choose to incorporate in the state where they live. But what if your business activities are not that simple? Many companies conduct business out-of-state, have partners or employees in different parts of the country and sell online. The simplest of procedures can complicate the legal processes involved in running a comp... Read More