Month: November 2014
The importance of a strong business name
Before starting your own company, you must think of an effective name.
Six things everyone should know about starting their own business
Knowing these six things about starting your own business will help you both professionally and personally.
When starting your business, seek help when needed, but create your own path
It’s ok to follow the path of another as you start your company, but eventually you will want to carve your own niche.
Before starting a business, make sure you love it
You should only start your own business if it’s something you are passionate about.
Remember, starting your own company is a marathon, not a sprint
When you are starting a business, always remember that it’s a marathon, not a sprint.
Following Orders, LLC shows how a great idea can turn into a successful company

Following Orders shows that incorporating your business can turn a great idea into a great company.
Baby boomers are becoming entrepreneurs
More Americans are starting their own companies later in life as a way to ease the transition from the working world into retirement.
Veterans’ Healing Farm wins $35,000 at business plan competition
Congratulations to Veterans’ Healing Farm, winners of $35,000 in a recent business plan competition!
Entrepreneurs starting younger than ever
Entrepreneurs are starting younger than ever, mainly because some feel they have no other option.
When friends become business partners
Starting a business with a close friend is often seen as a risky venture, but it is possible to strike a healthy balance.