Account Management FAQs

If you have forgotten your password, please let us know by email or via our contact form. Your password will be reset and an email will be sent to you with further instructions for logging in.
After you have logged into the account, you will see several tabs in the heading of the page. You will choose “My Profile”. There, you will see the “Personal Detail” tab is already selected. Simply update any information requiring a change and “save”.
In the menu at the top of the page, you will see a tab called My Orders. Click on this tab to be taken to a list of your open orders. Simply look for the order in question and find the column which indicates the Status of the order. If you are not sure what the indicated status means, you can contact us for further information or you may send an email to us right from your account's Mail Center.
In the client portal, all open (unfinished) orders can be found by following the tab called "My Orders" (if you want to see an order that has been completed, you can use the filters at the top of the page to search for it). When you find an order, you will notice that there is an invoice number to the left of the company name. Just click on the invoice number and a separate window will open with your invoice in it. To print a copy of the invoice or save it to another location, just click the "Download" button and yet another window will open with the .pdf version of the invoice.
Please submit a request via email or our contact form, ensuring that the person of contact on the account or an associated company is indicated. In the body of the message, please indicate that you require your login ID and the proper ID will be sent to the email that is currently associated with the account.