Category: Informative

The importance of establishing routines when starting your own business

November 12, 2014
When you work a typical corporate job, your day is filled with routines. You get to work around the same time. You get coffee and you go to lunch in a similar pattern every day. There are specific tasks that you have to complete every day. You probably have an internal schedule that dictates when you do most of your work. It's easy to get settled and comfortable when you have someone giving ord... Read More

Quitting your job and starting a new business?

November 05, 2014
Quitting your nine-to-five and becoming your own boss is an exciting proposition. It's also scary. Making a successful transition takes hard work, a lot of luck and strategic planning. So before you hand in your resignation letter, there are plenty of things to think about. A recent Forbes article listed eight things to know about making the switch from working a regular job to starting your ow... Read More

An angel investor’s tips for raising startup funds

November 03, 2014
One aspect of starting a small business that tends to intimidate aspiring entrepreneurs is the need to find the money to cover startup costs and stay afloat early on. Angel investor and author Prema Gupta, who began putting money into startups after selling her own, shared with FOXBusiness these tips for making your business model attractive to potential investors:

Considerations for starting a small business

October 22, 2014
Though new companies are known for having a 50/50 shot at making it successfully through their first five years, 54 percent of all sales in the U.S. can be attributed to its 23 million small businesses, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). In conjunction with stimulating the economy, small businesses also provide employment for Americans. Specifically, they are responsi... Read More

Why you should be an entrepreneur

October 15, 2014
Chicago-based small business owner and The New York Times blogger Jay Goltz provides the following reasons for taking the leap and becoming a entrepreneur:
  • You believe you can outdo the competition. Even if you don't invent a product or service that didn't previously exist, improving on something that does can just as easily make your small business a success. Consumers are always ... Read More

Nominations for 2015 National Small Business Week Awards now open

October 07, 2014

Previously this blog has discussed the impact that small business owners can have on their own lives as well as the lives of those around them. Small businesses are an integral part of our nation's economy, and as such, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) recognizes their importance and also provides resources for those looking to start a business or continue building an e... Read More

Couple creates complementary small business venture

October 06, 2014

If you've been following along with this blog, you've probably seen posts from time to time about some of the interesting things small business owners are up to, as well as small business success stories. Running a business gives owners the potential to be creative and and innovative. When creating a new venture, Read More

SBA announces agreement to help expand Boots to Business

October 01, 2014

Previously, this blog has touched on how veterans are uniquely suited to be entrepreneurs and small business owners. Having spent time in the military, these individuals have spent time developing and honing many of the qualities that make for successful entrepreneurs, including flexibility, tenacity and dedication. 

As such, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) recognizes... Read More

Traveling for business? Here are a few tips you should know

September 22, 2014
Whether you're just starting your own small business for the first time, or have done it before, there's a good chance that you'll have to go through a considerable amount of trial and error as you go about establishing your venture. Along the way, you might encounter occasions where you will have to do some traveling for business. Traveling means you'll be leaving your office or main base o... Read More

Tips to stretch any startup budget

September 15, 2014
If you're thinking about starting a business, the thought of having enough money to get your venture up and running can seem like a roadblock to your progress. However, that doesn't have to be the case! Whether you already have business funding or are operating on a shoe-string budget, you can get started. There are steps you can take today to get your business going, regardless of your curr... Read More