Tag: Small business

COVID Resource Center For Small Business

Covid resource center for small business
June 10, 2020

CorpCo® is proud to support our clients with a COVID small business resource center with easy access to links to current information and guidelines as we navigate our way through a post-pandemic world.

Entrepreneurs starting younger than ever

November 17, 2014

Entrepreneurs are starting younger than ever, mainly because some feel they have no other option. 

When friends become business partners

November 17, 2014

Starting a business with a close friend is often seen as a risky venture, but it is possible to strike a healthy balance.

Tips for naming your startup

November 04, 2014

While it may seem like a simple task, giving a business a unique and memorable name often poses a significant challenge for small business owners.

An angel investor’s tips for raising startup funds

November 03, 2014

Angel investor and author Prema Gupta offers tips for making your business model attractive to potential investors.

Why small businesses are vital to local economies

October 28, 2014

Small businesses boost their local economies in a number of ways.

Building your small business’s reputation from the start

October 27, 2014

Building a strong reputation for your small business out of the gate is essential to attracting clients and encouraging consumer loyalty.

Considerations for starting a small business

October 22, 2014

Considering different business structures is just as important as determining the commercial identity of your small business.

The benefits of starting your own business

October 20, 2014

A recent Inc. survey reveals that small business owners experienced major growth in just five years, and many have a positive outlook for the future of their companies.

Why you should be an entrepreneur

October 15, 2014

NYT blogger and entrepreneur Jay Goltz recommends starting a business based on these reasons.