Category: Informative

Effectively naming your new company

January 30, 2015
Numerous studies have shown that names matter. Businesses aren't much different from people in this regard. What you name your company can have a huge impact on how it's received, which audiences it attracts, and even how successful it becomes. Here are a couple of rules to consider when naming your new company.
Mak... Read More

3 startup lessons to live by

January 29, 2015
Even the most confident entrepreneur has to go through a process of learning. Starting a business isn't an innate skill — it takes weeks, months and years of trial and error. If you are lucky you will make a lot of mistakes right off the bat and learn from them before you get in too deep. Either way, here are a few lessons other entrepreneurs have learned the hard way:
Write a Business Pla... Read More

Do you have what it takes to be a top entrepreneur?

January 27, 2015
Entrepreneurial personalities come from all walks of life, various educational and personal backgrounds, and every country on the planet. There is no "perfect recipe" for an entrepreneur, no way to judge out of a group of children which one might grow up and take the business world by storm. There are, however, a set of key qualities that set exceptional entrepreneurs apart from other people. H... Read More

How to stand out amongst the competition

January 27, 2015
Intense competition can foster a healthy business environment. For start-ups, which need to build and build quickly, intense rivalry can promote growth, creativity and efficiency. Of course, in industries with multiple companies vying for the top position, it is important not to let competitive spirit, and the desire to be as good as those around you, shape your company. Entrepreneurs should wo... Read More

Is it time to quit and start your own business?

January 26, 2015
Are you an entrepreneur in the making? Does your blood sing with business models? Do you think you have what it takes to quit your day job and set out on your own, on an all new business journey? If you're asking yourself these questions right now you're on the right track. Starting your own business means asking yourself a lot of questions. There is much to understand and prepare for before yo... Read More

Overcoming the entrepreneurial creativity block

January 23, 2015
Becoming an entrepreneur takes a combination of skill, knowledge, dedication, drive and, above all, creative spirit. Mind blocks affect people in a variety of occupations, but for entrepreneurs, creativity burnout can damage reputations and decrease credibility. When you feel like your creative flame has gone out, try these simple strategies to get a spark going.
Runnin... Read More

Starting your freelance business

January 23, 2015
All entrepreneurs start their new businesses by banking on their own skills, knowledge and expertise. Most develop business models, acquire workers and other necessary resources, and then begin working. Freelance entrepreneurs have an advantage over others of their ilk: they only need to hire themselves and market their own skills. Becoming a freelancer might sound like a daunting task, but it ... Read More

3 tips for entrepreneurs looking to become business owners

January 13, 2015
Calling yourself an entrepreneur is one thing, but actually launching that new business is an entirely separate matter. The ability to realize lofty ambitions and turn them into a real company separates the dreamers from the doers. Crossing that line is no easy feat, of course, but it's far from impossible. Anyone with the determination and willingness to give life to their business ambitions c... Read More

Military veterans enter entrepreneurship

January 12, 2015

After the brave men and women who fight to protect this country's freedoms are done serving active duty, it's important to ensure they have the resources available to go to work. However, in an increasingly uncertain job market, options for employment can be scarce. There are educational programs to help veterans get into school, but what do they do after that? How do they find wor... Read More

Young Americans could benefit from incorporating their own businesses

January 05, 2015
Despite recent improvements in the economy, there's no question that the current job market is tough. Young people who have spent thousands of dollars on education are now finding that their prospects are less than stellar. The numbers bear this trend out: while more than 84 percent of today's 27 year olds have some sort of college education, just one in 10 say that they've filled their career ... Read More