North Carolina
September 18, 2017
- Must be distinguishable (not deceptively similar) from filed or reserved company names.
- Must include a corporate indicator: Co., Company, Limited, Ltd., Corp., Corporation, Inc., or Incorporated.
- Restricted words: Air Force, Architect, Architecture, Architectural, Army, Bank, Banker, Banking, Coop, Cooperative, Engineering, Engineer, Insurance, Mutual, Navy, Survey, Surveying, Surveyor, Trust, Wholesale
Registered Agent:
- Is a physical address located within the state of incorporation, where someone. is available to receive service of process. If you do not have such an address, CorpCo can provide this service.
- Is a member of the board that manages the affairs of the company.
- A minimum of one director and address (not required on the formation document.)
- Is an instrument that indicates an ownership position and represents a claim in the corporation’s assets and profits.
- General purpose clause acceptable.
Corporate Kit Includes:
- State Bylaws
- Standard “boiler plate” Meeting Minutes
- Personalized share certificates
- Personalized company seal
- Your state approved document
Annual Requirements:
- Annually on or before the 15th day of the 4th month following the close of the fiscal year. The due date for filing the annual report is the same as the due date for filing the corporation’s income/franchise tax returns.
- Notices are NOT sent out.
- Must be distinguishable (not deceptively similar) from filed or reserved company names.
- Must include a corporate indicator: Co., Company, Limited, Ltd., Corp., Corporation, Inc., or Incorporated.
- Restricted words: Air Force, Architect, Architecture, Architectural, Army, Bank, Banker, Banking, Coop, Cooperative, Engineering, Engineer, Insurance, Mutual, Navy, Survey, Surveying, Surveyor, Trust, Wholesale
Registered Agent:
- Is a physical address located within the state of incorporation, where someone. is available to receive service of process. If you do not have such an address, CorpCo can provide this service.
- Is a member of the board that manages the affairs of the company.
- A minimum of one director and address (not required on the formation document.)
- Is an instrument that indicates an ownership position and represents a claim in the corporation’s assets and profits.
- General purpose clause acceptable.
Corporate Kit Includes:
- State Bylaws
- Standard “boiler plate” Meeting Minutes
- Personalized share certificates
- Personalized company seal
- Your state approved document
Annual Requirements:
- Annually on or before the 15th day of the 4th month following the close of the fiscal year. The due date for filing the annual report is the same as the due date for filing the corporation’s income/franchise tax returns.
- Notices are NOT sent out.