New Jersey
September 18, 2017
- Must be distinguishable (not deceptively similar) from filed or reserved company names.
- Must include a corporate indicator: Co., Company, Limited, Ltd., Corp., Corporation, Inc., or Incorporated.
- Restricted words: Blind, Funeral Homes, Handicapped, Renewal
- Prohibited words: Cemetery, D.C., District of Columbia, Little League, Metropolitan, Olympia, Olympic, Postal, Realtor, Trust, Underwriters.
Registered Agent:
- Is a physical address located within the state of incorporation, where someone. is available to receive service of process. If you do not have such an address, CorpCo can provide this service.
- Is a member of the board that manages the affairs of the company.
- A minimum of one director and address is required on the formation document.
- Is an instrument that indicates an ownership position and represents a claim in the corporation’s assets and profits.
- General purpose clause acceptable.
Corporate Kit Includes:
- State Bylaws
- Standard “boiler plate” Meeting Minutes
- Personalized share certificates
- Personalized company seal
- Your state approved document
Annual Requirements:
- Annually by the last day of the anniversary month.
- Filing must be made electronically.
- Must be distinguishable (not deceptively similar) from filed or reserved company names.
- Must include a corporate indicator: Co., Company, Limited, Ltd., Corp., Corporation, Inc., or Incorporated.
- Restricted words: Blind, Funeral Homes, Handicapped, Renewal
- Prohibited words: Cemetery, D.C., District of Columbia, Little League, Metropolitan, Olympia, Olympic, Postal, Realtor, Trust, Underwriters.
Registered Agent:
- Is a physical address located within the state of incorporation, where someone. is available to receive service of process. If you do not have such an address, CorpCo can provide this service.
- Is a member of the board that manages the affairs of the company.
- A minimum of one director and address is required on the formation document.
- Is an instrument that indicates an ownership position and represents a claim in the corporation’s assets and profits.
- General purpose clause acceptable.
Corporate Kit Includes:
- State Bylaws
- Standard “boiler plate” Meeting Minutes
- Personalized share certificates
- Personalized company seal
- Your state approved document
Annual Requirements:
- Annually by the last day of the anniversary month.
- Filing must be made electronically.