Doing Business As (DBA)
A Doing Business As (DBA) or Assumed/Fictitous Name filing, allows a corporation or LLC to legally conduct business under a different name than the one that appears on their original incorporation documents. For example, John’s Automotive Services Group, Inc, might register a DBA under the name John’s Auto/Body.
The main benefits of using a DBA include flexibility for marketing and advertising purposes, and the ability to use different names for different aspects of a company’s business.
DBA filings are submitted and approved through different agencies, depending on that state’s rules and regulations. In some states the documents are filed with the Secretary of State, in other states they may be filed with the county clerk’s office or prothonotary’s office. CorpCo can assist corporations and LLC’s with fictitious names or DBA (“doing business as”) filings. Contact us for information, requirements and fees, for the state(s) in which you will be conducting business.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any restrictions on DBA name filings?
Each state has different rules and requirements for registering and using DBAs. Some states require a corporate indicator (such as Corp., Inc., LLC, etc.) to be included on the DBA. Some states have restrictions regarding specific classes of words (such as banking, insurance, medical/other professional terms). Finally, while there is no limit to the number of DBA names you can register, a name availability check is needed and you may be refused approval if another company is already registered under a name you wish to use.
Does a DBA filing need to be renewed each year?
Each State and local office has unique rules for DBA expiration and renewal. While some state and local governments require businesses to renew DBA filings, others do not. If your business must renew its DBA registration, your state or local government office typically sends a renewal notice to the business address of record. If CorpCo files your DBA registration, any required renewal notices will be sent to your attention by email.
How do I file a DBA?
Each state has its own requirements for dba filings. In some states, you must register with the Secretary of State. In others, it is necessary to file at the county or local (city/town) level. CorpCo can provide Corporations and LLCs with services regarding filing of fictitious names or DBAs (“doing business as”).
Contact us for information, requirements and fees for the state(s) in which you wish to register the DBA.
What are the advantages of having a DBA?
Filing a DBA can allow you to:
- Open a bank account under an alternate business name.
- Advertise and market different products or services under different names.
- Simplify business transactions by using a name that more accurately reflects the nature of business being conducted, more so than the incorporated name
Why might I file a DBA for my corporation or LLC?
If you wish to operate your corporation or LLC under a different name than the original legally incorporated name of your business, it is necessary to register this alternate name in the state, county, city, or town where you conduct business.
Typically, it is necessary to register the DBA name prior to opening a business bank account, advertising or transacting business under this alternate name.